Nursery places are available. Please contact the school office for more information.
Beecroft Primary School takes sustainable travel seriously and our positive efforts have been commented on by the Council.
Hi Miss Turner
Just to provide a little feedback regarding your Park and Stride scheme and your recent assembly.
It was fantastic - I've never seen so many parents attend an assembly 100 + and standing room only. A hall full - including brilliantly behaved pupils, the school orchestra, violins, recorders, flutes and teacher on piano and a presentation by the children on active travel , including a mock "reporter" complete with microphone interviewing pupils as to what they'd learnt and thought about the park and stride, road safety and the scooter training they'd had.
Not only was it enjoyable, it was entertaining and interesting too - and I had the honour of drawing the raffle for the 'park and stride' scooter and 'walk to school week' shopping vouchers. I was asked to say a few words - but as I said, they had covered everything already, although I took the opportunity to complement everyone for all their efforts including those who were using the park and stride which was evidently having a positive impact in the area.
In all the years I've done this job I have never felt so welcome in a school, nor seen such effort and appreciation for our service.
The caretaker, Mrs Jackson, stands every day at the roadside monitoring the drivers in the area, as do some staff; above and beyond the call of duty! As for the head Miss Turner she is doing a commendable job promoting Safe Active travel, and in my opinion deserves a medal!! (And she sent her thanks for our the work and prizes we'd provided)
They have been very supportive and promoted the P&S and active travel extremely well. If they can continue and keep the parents on-board I think we'll have a good success story to shout about.
Such fantastic praise. Thank you for all your efforts.
Sue Bell
Children's Services
Leeds City Council