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Beecroft Primary School


Nursery places are available. Please contact the school office for more information.

Parents Are Partners

School is a friendly, welcoming place for children, parents, staff and visitors. The support and co-operation of parents is highly valued. Parents and teachers are partners in the education of children, and open and positive relationships between them are encouraged. You are always welcome in school to offer your time and talents or simply just to speak to the staff. There is a friends and parents group who meet regularly and raise money for the school. (F.A.B.) Friends At Beecroft.

We positively welcome parents in school and we are available to discuss your child both informally and at the three parent consultations evenings (one each term).

View Friends At Beecroft Video

Family Assembly

Family assembly is regularly held (approximately monthly) on Wednesday mornings.

Beecroft Is Community

Beecroft is very active in the local community. Each year we take part in Kirkstall Festival and in the Kirkstall Arts Trail.

We have strong links with St. George’s Crypt. We use our enterprise skills to raise money for the charity and send our Harvest Festival produce to help others less fortunate than ourselves.