Headteacher’s Update
Special Educational Needs And Inclusion
At Beecroft Primary School we are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. Our school aims to be an inclusive school. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our pupils. We make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different groups of children within our school:
- girls and boys;
- minority ethnic and faith groups;
- children who need support to learn English as an additional language;
- pupils who require intervention strategies;
- children with special educational needs;
- children with disabilities;
- gifted and talented children;
- children in families who are under stress;
- pupils in public care.
We are committed to inclusion and are proud to have achieved recognition of this by achieving the Stephen Lawrence Education Standard for our dedication to race equality and wider community cohesion. This award acknowledges the excellent work by pupils, parents, governors and staff to promote inclusion and to celebrate diversity in our school.
Special Educational Needs
Children with Special Educational Needs are viewed very positively by the school. The clear aim is to address the individual need and to provide the specific help which is required. The school has a clear policy which lays down how to identify children with particular problems and the action which needs to be taken. Continuity of provision may involve assistance in the classroom from a support teacher or teaching assistant. Pupils both with and without Education Health Care Plans are taught in small teaching groups. Parents are regularly consulted. The full policy is available on request.
Our individual offer of support for children with SEND
SEND Information ReportBeecroft Accessibility Plan
Equality Policy
The school seeks to enable all children to achieve high standards of work, behaviour and attitudes to others.
Beecroft Primary School Equality Objectives 2022The Pupil Premium
Pupils eligible for Free School Meals, benefit from the pupil premium throughout their time at Beecroft Primary School.
View Pupil Premium Strategy StatementInclusion policies are available on request.