Nursery places are available. Please contact the school office for more information.
We are very proud of the appearance of all children at Beecroft Primary School. The uniform is worn by all and encourages a feeling of belonging and aids good discipline.
Cardigans, sweaters and book bags with an embroidered school logo can be bought from school or can be purchased directly from the supplier.
Uniform supplier linkAs above or pupils can wear a blue and white gingham dress or short grey or navy trousers (not beach shorts).
Any clothes but not denim. Denim jeans are not allowed.
You are asked to provide a pair of indoor shoes/black pumps for your child to wear in school. This helps keep our school clean and to encourage children to look after it.
Please make sure that all school clothing, including indoor shoes are clearly marked with your child's name.
For reasons of safety neither, chains nor earrings are allowed to be worn. A single stud in each ear is permitted.
Children will be provided with pencils, a 30cm plastic ruler and a rubber. Children will need a fountain or cartridge pen in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6). They are allowed to bring crayons if they wish. School stationery can be purchased from the school shop which is open on Wednesday mornings before school.
Please leave mobile phones, smart watches and toys at home.
School rules are kept to a minimum. The general rule is, "behave sensibly and with
consideration for others." Our philosophy is to positively encourage and promote good
behaviour and we are very proud of the very high standards of behaviour in school.
Download Behaviour Policy
Children are rewarded by praise, colour points for good work and good behaviour which lead to a mention in the "Gold Book" in Family Assembly. Four mentions in the "Gold Book" in one term, results in a letter of congratulations being sent to parents.
You will be able to talk with your child's teacher about his/her progress at Parents' Consultation Evenings, or at any other time that is convenient to you and the teacher.
You will receive a written report of your child's progress at the end of each school year.
As parents you are encouraged to come into school to discuss any concerns that you have about your child or about general school matters. It may be necessary to make an appointment to do this to ensure that the member of staff concerned can give the matter his/her full attention. Parents should never hesitate to contact the school if they have any worries concerning their children.
Children may:
Go home for lunch
Have a school dinner
Bring a packed lunch - please note we are a no nut school
The school meals service maintains a healthy eating policy. Parents who pay for meals should make payments using ParentPay.
If you think you may be eligible for free school dinners, please contact:
Leeds City Council (Apply for free school meals)At lunchtime children are cared for by four midday supervisors. Members of teaching staff are always present in school at lunchtime.
We ask parents to choose the dinner arrangement for a half term. After each half term parents can change the arrangement if they wish.
The school operates the LEA's Charging and Remission Policy A copy of the policy is available in school.