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Beecroft Primary School


Nursery places are available. Please contact the school office for more information.

Attendance Guide For Parents - Attendance Is A Safeguarding Issue

Parents’ Responsibilities: In accepting a place at the school parents are accepting the ethos of high expectations for good attendance

Research proves that there is a very clear relationship between excellent school attendance and academic achievement. Year after year, the pupils with the best school attendance achieve the best results. We are passionate at Beecroft about providing pupils with the best possible life chances and as such, know they have to ‘be here to get there.’ Attendance at school is the law (statutory)

Start Time: 8.30am (Doors open 8.20am so pupils can come straight into the classroom for extra work and support).

Register Closes: 8.40am (The child is then absent)

Finish: 3.15pm (September 2023)

All pupils at Beecroft Primary are set an attendance target of 96% or above.

Parents, carers and families are therefore asked to ensure that their child/children are in school every day of term. Pupils arrive at 8.20 for a 8.30am start. (register closes at 8.40am)

Attendance: Attendance at school is the law.

Beecroft Primary School does not expect low or persistently low attendance (90% and below). We see persistent absence as a serious safeguarding concern. It is dealt with using our 5-point plan. This includes School Attendance Panel Meetings, with the headteacher, where we deal with the issue seriously.

Download Persistent Absence At Beecroft 5 Point Plan

  1. Book any medical appointments around the school day when possible. (Not during lessons.)
  2. Only request leave of absence in exceptional circumstances and do so a month in advance. (Not holidays/extended leave in term time – These must stop and parents taking these will be fined.) All leave/holidays will NOT be authorised.
  3. Notify the school office as soon as possible if their child has to be unexpectedly absent (e.g. sickness)

Number 1 and 2 can be improved upon by some of our parents, as leave for reasons other than illness is unacceptable. (At 20 days a child loses their place)

Pupils’ attendance is monitored against our Traffic Light Group system:

Dramatic Effect On Academic Achievement
Amber 91% - 95.9% Cause For Concern
Attendance Needs To Improve
Green 96% - 100% Excellent
Keep it up!

Parent Attendance Process:

If a child is sick/ill telephone the school 0113 2618820 on the first day of absence before 9.00 am and provide a reason.

  • If we do not receive communication, a parent will receive a phone call home from our Attendance Officer Mrs Craven.
  • A home visit may be made depending on the child’s attendance record and the nature of the absence.
  • On returning to school parents must take responsibility to help the child catch up on work missed.

Home visits will be conducted by the Attendance Officer (Mrs Craven) and the Head/Deputy if a pupil’s attendance is of concern. The purpose of making home visits is to have a conversation with families about their young person’s attendance, complete a safeguarding check and offer support where applicable.

Persistent Absence 5 Point Plan

Parents are invited into school to discuss attendance at 91% and 90% and below (Persistent absence). The discussion is to set targets for improvement and to ensure that things will improve quickly. Any barriers to good attendance are discussed. A parent contract will result.

Extended Leave and holidays in term time are not approved and this is often the cause of low attendance at Beecroft. (Visiting family in other countries is not an exceptional circumstance) 20 days leave will result in the child losing their place in school.

Please be aware that Beecroft Primary works closely with Leeds City Council and will transfer any cases of persistently poor attendance for possible prosecution in either the Family or Magistrates Court

The table below shows the importance of attendance to your child:

Beecroft Primary School Attendance

Beecroft Attendance Policy

Download Beecroft Attendance Policy
Download Exceptional Leave Form